Any party granted access to the copyrighted information contained on this website
(protected under Federal Copyright Laws), pursuant to a duly executed Agreement
may, under the terms of such agreement copy all or selected portions of this information
for internal use and distribution only. No other copying or distribution for
any other purpose is authorized.
The GIS Mapping information provided herein is to be used for estimation purposes only.
The City makes no warranties, representations or guarantees, either expressed or implied, as to the completeness,
accuracy, currency or correctness of the data. The City disclaims, and shall not be held liable for any and all
damage, loss, or liability, whether direct, indirect or consequential, which arises from these maps or GIS
products or the use thereof by any person or entity. These maps give approximate representations of survey, assessment,
building outline, property boundaries, and other features. Independent verification of all data contained
herein must be obtained by any user of this application. The maps are not legally recorded plans or surveys
and are not intended to be used for such purposes. For an exact depiction of property boundaries, please consult
with a licensed Manitoba Land Surveyor.